
Nazareth Catholic Community

Prospectus Package

Nazareth Catholic College ensures the successful learning, wellbeing and spiritual development of each and every student, from Reception to Year 12.

The College focuses on engaging with families in a whole-of-life journey by providing resources, opportunities and ministries to support the religious, spiritual, social, emotional and intellectual growth and wellbeing of families. 

As the College continues to change and grow, so do their marketing and enrolment strategies to stay relevant and up to date in today’s fast changing environment.

Working in collaboration with the College's marketing and enrolments department, photographers and various production companies, we developed a new prospectus package that included a unique folder design with a spot UV varnish, a prospectus booklet and other supporting documents.

The outcome was complete package that sits in-line with the College brand, while having a modern and fresh approach that is relevant to current market trends.

Creative Design
Folder Design (including die-line design)
Photography Direction
Branded Templates (for client use)